Enrolment Form


Barnatra National School,



     Co. Mayo.

Tel:  097 84008

Email: barnatrans20@gmail.com





       Enrolment Form


Section 1 – Student

Name _____________________________________________________________


PPS _______________________________________________________________


Date of Birth ________________________________________________________


Religion ____________________________________________________________


Country of Birth ______________________________________________________


Previous school or Playschool attended ___________________________________


Medical & Allergy information ___________________________________________________________________



Child’s Doctor’s Name _________________________________________________


Doctor’s Telephone Number ____________________________________________


Emergency contacts (if parents are unavailable)

1)    Name ____________________________________


          Phone Number ________________________


2)    Name ____________________________________


          Phone Number _________________________


Name of person/s who have permission to collect your child from school: ___________________________________________________________________





Section 2: Parents/Guardians

Mother’s Name: ______________________________________________________

Mother’s Mobile Number: _______________________________________________

Mother’s Email Address: _______________________________________________

Mother’s Work Telephone Number: _______________________________________       

Father’s Name: ______________________________________________________

Father’s Mobile Number: _______________________________________________

Father’s Email Address: _______________________________________________

Father’s Work Telephone Number: _______________________________________


Section 3 – Family

Address (at which child resides) ___________________________________________________________________


Does any legal order under Family Law exist that the school should know of? (Please provide school with a copy of any document that is relevant to school/education) _____________________________________________________


School reports, newsletters etc will be sent to your child’s permanent address. Would you like additional copies to be forward to another address. If so, please give name, address and email of the recipient ___________________________________________________________________














Section 4 - Consents




Do you give permission for your child to use the School Internet in accordance with the school Internet Policy?




Do you give permission for your child to go on school trips under teacher supervision?




Do you give permission for your child to be photographed for school projects, local newspapers & school related activities?




Do you give permission for your child’s photograph and or work to be used on the school’s blog?




Do you give permission for your child to receive any necessary medical care from a doctor, ambulance crew, hospital, etc., in the event of an accident or illness occurring, where the school is unable to contact parents/guardians?




I give permission for my child’s clothes to be changed by a school employee, in case of an accident (Junior/ Senior Infants only)




I give permission for my telephone number to be shared with other parents in the school, if requested





Parent _____________________________

Date _______________________________


Parent _____________________________

Date _______________________________












Section 5 - Declarations

I understand that the RSE and Stay Safe programmes will be taught to my child and that anatomically correct wording are used at class appropriate level as laid down by the Department of Education.

I understand that the information on this form will be stored on the school’s data management system and the Department of Education’s Primary Online Database (POD).

I understand that Barnatra NS has adopted the Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017.

I understand that Barnatra NS has adopted the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2013.


Private and Confidential


To fully support your child, it is vital that the school be informed of any relevant situation, now or in the future, regarding health, bereavement, domestic circumstances that may impact on the child’s social, emotional or educational development. You may contact the Principal or your child’s teacher directly. Any information will be treated in the strictest confidence.




Parent __________________________________________




Parent __________________________________________


Date _______________________










Link to our Whole School Evaluation (WSE) report conducted April 2018


Link to our WSE follow-up inspection conducted in November 2019


Barnatra NS

Consensual Pupil Information Requested for Department of Education and Skills Personal Online Database

The Department has consulted with the Data Protection Commissioner in relation to the collection of individual pupil information for the Primary Online Database.  Religion and ethnic and cultural background are special category data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Mother tongue is personal category data requiring consent for collection. While these questions are optional, written consent is sought by the student’s school to record this information and for the school to forward this information to the Department.


The information would be very useful to the Department for statistical and research purposes.  Aggregated information on Ethnic/Cultural background will be used to track the progress of these groups, and to compare their progress with other groups, thereby identifying gaps in the system and assisting in the development and implementation of appropriate policies and interventions.  Aggregated information on religion will be used for statistical purposes only.  Mother tongue is collected to identify, monitor and evaluate the need for English as an additional language (EAL) support. Parents/guardians have the option to identify their children’s religion, ethnic background or if mother tongue is English or Irish and to consent for this information to be transferred to the Department of Education and Skills.  This page of the form will be retained by your primary school.


Special category data

To which ethnic or cultural background group does your child belong (please tick one)?

(Categories based on the Census of Population)


White Irish o                                                        

Irish Traveller o   

Any other White Background  o         

Roma o                                                                 

Black or Black Irish - African  o                 

Black or Black Irish - Any other Black Background  o

Asian or Asian Irish – Chinese   o                

Asian or Asian Irish - Any other Asian background o      

Other (inc. mixed background)  o                

No consent      o   


What is your child’s religion?

Roman Catholic o                                  

Church of Ireland (Anglican)  o              

Muslim (Islamic)     o                                        

Orthodox (Greek, Coptic, Russian) o         

Jewish o

Christian Religion (not further defined) o    

Apostolic or Pentecostal o                        

Hindu o                                                    

Presbyterian o                                                    

Atheist o

Baptist o                                                  

Buddhist o                                               

 Protestant o

Jehovah’s Witness o                                    

Methodist, Wesleyan o                                

Lutheran o

Agnostic        o                                                                 

Evangelical o 

Other Religiono

No Religiono

No Consent o


Personal category data

Is one of the pupil’s mother tongues (i.e. language spoken at home) Irish or English?           

Yes     o           No   o                 No Consent  o        

I consent for the special category data in the two questions and the personal category data question to be stored on the Primary Online Database (POD) and transferred to the Department of Education and Skills and any other primary schools my child may transfer to during the course of their time in primary school.


Signed: ___________________________  Parent/Guardian          

Date: ____________________________


Please complete this form and return to your primary school. For further information on POD please go to the Department of Education and Skills’ website www.education.ie

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